Chad Hetrick

I grew up with a love for athletics, playing baseball and wrestling in a family that viewed endurance sports as a great outlet for stress in daily life. Although I grew up as an active kid participating in a few running events here and there, I would say my journey into ultra marathoning began in 2009 while hiking mountains in Colorado. A friend invited me to go hike Mt. of the Holy Cross which he called a “14er”. Needless to say, I suffered the entire time… and was hooked. I planned out the next few summers to hike as many 14ers as possible. My fitness would have to improve to reach my mountain climbing goals so I started running casually 20-30 miles per week. To my surprise, I found more than fitness in running. I found balance, a renewed competitiveness, and that same outlet my parents sought in my youth.

As of the end of 2023, I’ve completed twelve marathons, seven 50Ks, three 50 milers, and three 100 milers. Also, I’ve climbed thirty Colorado 14ers with a goal to climb them all. The goal for myself and all athletes I coach is to run happy and healthy for many decades.

I have a beautiful wife Ashlin, and two kids, Coulter and Ayla. We live in Edmond, Oklahoma.


Photo Feb 20 2024, 10 14 57 AM