Do the Speed Work!

Hey there!

Guess what time it is? Yep, it’s “Do the Speed Work” o’clock!

So, I’m diving into my 20-week build for the summer races, and after the thrilling “lottery” season (I was 1 for 2), it feels amazing to slap some races on the calendar and get down to some serious training. Now, my training looks like what I give the runners I coach; it starts with a fitness-building block, and you know what that means… INTERVALS!

I totally get it – when intervals show up on the schedule, there’s this collective groan, right? “Why do I have to run fast? I’m an Ultrarunner!” But deep down, we know they’re the secret sauce to great fitness. It’s like convincing yourself to put down the garbage food and pick up the healthy stuff – necessary for a healthy running life!

And here’s the thing, after the initial warmup and hitting that first 3-minute interval, magic happens. My body wakes up, remembers the thrill of running fast, and suddenly, it’s like a breath of fresh air. Sure, it’s hard – sweat flying, heavy breathing – but by the time those 3 minutes are up, the slow recovery feels like a gift from God.

I love the cycle of it. You catch your breath, savor the reprieve, and then BOOM, you’re ready to dive into the next round. Yesterday, I did this dance six times followed by a sweet 30 minutes at endurance pace.

By the end, my body was tired – that good kind of tired. Mentally, I filed away this workout as my secret weapon for when those pre-race doubts sneak in. Looking at the heart rate/pace chart in Training Peaks, those interval peaks stood out like victory flags. I showed it to Jennifer, and we shared a moment of, “Yeah, work was definitely done!”

So, here’s the golden nugget of wisdom: Do the speed work. Physically, it’s your fitness architect. Mentally, it’s the doubter-dispeller. And emotionally, those peaks on the chart will make you smile – probably after a well-deserved shower and some post-run grub.

Keep rocking those intervals!

On the journey (with intervals),


P.S. Mine Your Ultra Potential!

If you’re considering running your first or furthest ultra or looking to take your running to the next level, I have great news! I’ve got a coaching slot open! Click here to learn more!

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