From the Finish Line to Recovery

One Month Post-Moab 240: Time to Recover and Reflect

Hey Reader!

Wow, it’s hard to believe that a month has already passed since the Moab 240! My blisters are finally healing, and my body is getting back to its happy state. After the race, we had a much-needed afternoon and night of rest before embarking on the 14.5-hour drive back home. A massive shoutout to Jennifer, who drove the entire way while I sat in the passenger seat, a bit too tired to sleep. My legs were sore, my feet hurt, and my body was completely out of sync. We returned home around midnight, and I found myself back at work the next day. Yes, I know, I should have taken the day off, but sometimes the grind calls!

Your brief hiatus from running can reignite your passion and motivation to get back at it.

Fast forward to the evening after work, and I attempted to change into my shorts, only to find that both of my legs were swollen! I sheepishly told Jennifer, “Well, I guess I’m laying low tonight!” So, I donned my trusty full-leg air compression boots, switched them on, and propped my legs up for the evening. It did wonders. Since then, I’ve been fully committed to active recovery. Weight workouts, lots of stretching, easy walks, and yes, I’ve even started running again. No need to rush; recovery is key.

The Importance of Post-Race Recovery

The reason for this post-race recap is to remind you to plan out your post-race time carefully and allow your body the time it needs to recover. If you’re in this for the long haul, like I am, it’s vital to give your body the chance to recover properly for your next big effort. Remember, “too much too soon” can lead to overtraining, injury, and even mental fatigue. Consider diversifying your activities during this downtime. Personally, I’ve been enjoying more gym time, focusing on weightlifting, and strengthening my core and upper body in preparation for the next training block.

You know, after a grueling race, it’s okay to take a little break from running.

“Absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

Your brief hiatus from running can reignite your passion and motivation to get back at it. Rest assured, your fitness will bounce back quickly as you prepare for your next race.

Podcast Episode: Moab 240 Redemption

If you’re interested in some of the nitty-gritty details of how my Moab 240 run went, Jennifer and I discuss it in our latest podcast episode. Click here to check it out!

Until the next newsletter, I hope you’re out there running with joy and maintaining your health. Remember, it’s all about the journey!

Pressing on,


P.S. Explore Your Ultra Potential!

If you’re considering running your first or furthest ultra or looking to take your running to the next level, I have great news! I’ve got two coaching slots this month. Click here to learn more!

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